Star Wars: The Clone Wars 2008

Action Animation Adventure

Jedi Knights lead the Grand Army of the Republic against the droid army of the Separatists.

All Titles
  • US: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Star Wars: The Clone Wars
  • AU: Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Animated Series Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Animated Series
  • BG: Междузвездни войни: Войните на клонираните Междузвездни войни: Войните на клонираните
  • HR: Ratovi zvijezda: Ratovi klonova Ratovi zvijezda: Ratovi klonova
  • FR: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Star Wars: The Clone Wars
  • DE: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Star Wars: The Clone Wars
  • GR: Ο πόλεμος των άστρων: Ο πόλεμος των κλώνων Ο πόλεμος των άστρων: Ο πόλεμος των κλώνων
  • HU: Star Wars - A klónok háborúja Star Wars - A klónok háborúja
  • PL: Gwiezdne wojny: Wojny klonów Gwiezdne wojny: Wojny klonów
  • RU: Звёздные войны: Войны Клонов Звёздные войны: Войны Клонов
  • RS: Ratovi zvezda - Ratovi klonova Ratovi zvezda - Ratovi klonova
  • RS: Zvezdani ratovi: Ratovi klonova Zvezdani ratovi: Ratovi klonova
  • ES: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Star Wars: The Clone Wars
  • TR: Star Wars: Klon Savaslari Star Wars: Klon Savaslari
  • UA: Зорянi Вiйни: Вiйни клонiв Зорянi Вiйни: Вiйни клонiв
  • US: Untitled Clone Wars TV Series Untitled Clone Wars TV Series
  • US: Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Rise of the Bounty Hunters Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Rise of the Bounty Hunters
  • US: Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Secrets Revealed Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Secrets Revealed
  • US: Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Battle Lines Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Battle Lines
  • US: Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Lost Missions Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Lost Missions
Released 03 Oct 2008
Links IMDb


Star Wars: The Clone Wars 2008